Maui is Happiness

It’s turning out to be quite a lengthy process examining vacation photos from three trips to Maui and then making some painful decisions as to which images will be included in the deck. There is one huge plus in all of this, which is quite simply:

Maui makes me happy.

Taken somewhere along the Road to Hana during our first trip to Maui in 2009. (C) Nefer Khepri, 2009.

Taken somewhere along the Road to Hana during our first trip to Maui in 2009. (C) Nefer Khepri, 2009.

Just looking at the pictures brings back the memory of how the sun felt on my face, the ocean breezes, the shade of the trees, all the bright colors of the flowers, and the sounds of the animals.

Examining my pictures gives me great joy. I almost feel as though the energy that is so specific to Maui is reaching out to me from over the ocean and half of the continental United States. At one point, while looking at the picture posted here specifically I swore I felt someone give me a brief hug around my shoulders. Although it was very brief – probably lasting no more than two seconds – the sensation remained with me along with a wonderful energy that just seemed to soak into my spine and remain there for several hours.

Was it an angel? Some nature spirit from Maui stopping in to say hello? One of my own spirit guides? I may never know. All I know is the being – who or whatever it was – held nothing but positive intentions.

It’s when things like this happen that you’re given signs that what you’re doing is special. It’s the Universe’s way of patting you on the back and saying, “you’re doing a good job! Don’t lose faith. Keep going!”

I only have 1870 more pictures to examine.

I shall keep going.

Until next time, wishing you all many blessings,

Nefer Khepri, PhD., R. M-T.

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